

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fall Farmers Markets

One of my favorite things about Charlottesville in the fall is the Saturday morning farmers market downtown. It has become a weekly ritual for me and my roommates to wake up around 8 am ( which, believe me for a college kid...it isn't that easy) layer up and head to the downtown mall on foot. 

While some mornings are harder than others, once we start the walk towards the downtown mall we are on a mission for that  $1 cup of Shenandoah Joe's coffee. The farmers market is filled with local C'ville residents who bring their families out for a Saturday morning adventure. While the kids can have their doughy, hot, and sugar coated doughnut, the parents can gather up their weekly fruits and veggies. I really can't think of a better way to spend my Saturday morning... I mean can you??? 

Being on a college budget my friends and I are always searching for things to do that do not require too much money. We have found that the farmers market is the best way to spend our Saturday mornings and we can usually spend under $5... what a steal! We have the best time moving from table to table testing the vendors weekly products and if we stick around long enough the farmers and designers running the booths will tell us their stories and share info on what they are selling! 

The farmers market is filled with locally grown produce, cheeses, and meats... but it's also bustling with locally designed jewelry, walking sticks, clothes, and paintings. I have obtained some awesome necklaces and rings that have great C'ville stories behind them... it's so much fun when someone asks me where I got my farmers market jewelry and I am able to tell them its hand designed and produced in my favorite place in the world...Charlottesville! 

So go... take your friends and family and explore the wonders of the Charlottesville downtown farmers market... I promise you will be more than impressed. Oh and while you at it make sure to try a warm and gooey homemade C'ville honeybunch! 

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